Central Goods & Services Tax, Pr. Commissionerate, Noida

केंद्रीय वस्तु एवं सेवाकर, प्रधान आयुक्तालय, नोएडा

Office of the Principal Commissioner of CGST Noida has been shifted from Renu Tower, C-56/42, Sector-62, Noida to the New Building Located at Plot No. C-232A/2 to 232A/3, Sector-48, Noida. In this regard a trade notice no. 01/Tech/CGST-NOIDA/2023 dated 19.01.2023 has been issued
राष्ट्रीय व्यवहार में हिन्दी को काम में लाना देश की एकता और उन्नति के लिए आवश्यक है| —– महात्मा गाँधी
हिन्दी हमारे राष्ट्र की अभिव्यक्ति का सरलतम स्रोत है |—- सुमित्रानंदन पन्त
हिन्दी द्वारा सारे भारत को एक सूत्र में पिरोया जा सकता है —-स्वामी दयानंद
भारतीय भाषाए नदियाँ हें और हिन्दी महानदी |—– रविन्द्र नाथ ठाकुर

डिवीजन -6

S No. Location Name of the Division & Address Territorial jurisdiction
1 DIVISION-VI Hosiery Complex ,Phase II Extn. Noida, Sector 82 to Sector 90, Sector 137 to 168, Noida.
Code Range Area Details Email
YC0601 RANGE-26 Areas falling under Block A & B of Hosiery Complex, Phase II Extn, Noida. cgstnoidarange26@gmail.com
YC0602 RANGE-27 Areas falling under Block C & D of Hosiery Complex, Phase II Extn, Noida. centraltaxrange27@gmail.com
YC0603 RANGE-28 Areas falling under Sector 82 to 90, Noida. range28cgst@gmail.com
YC0604 RANGE-29 Areas falling under Sector 137 to 142, Noida. range29division6noida@gmail.com
YC0605 RANGE-30 Areas falling under Sector 143 to 168 and areas not explicitly covered under Division VI,Noida GST Commissionerate. range30cgstnoida@gmail.com
Administrative Structure
Assistant Commissioner : Shri Munna Lal
Contact No : 0120-4227289, 0120-2422041 (Range 26), 0120-2422041 (Range 27)
Email-id : cgstdiv6-noida@gov.in
Address : E-5, Sector-1 Noida

Officers Posted are as under
Office Superintendent Inspector
Administrative office Shri Rajendra Kumar Pant
RANGE-26 Shri Rajendra Kumar Pant Smt Poonam Kumari
RANGE-27 Shri Rajendra Kumar Pant Shri Suraj Nawani
RANGE-28 Shri Rajendra Kumar Pant Ms Pavitra Adhikari
RANGE-29 Shri Rajendra Kumar Pant Shri Budh Dev Oraon
RANGE-30 Shri Rajendra Kumar Pant Shri Pranjul Goel
Tech. Branch Shri Rajendra Kumar Pant Shri Naveen Tandan