Central Goods & Services Tax, Pr. Commissionerate, Noida

केंद्रीय वस्तु एवं सेवाकर, प्रधान आयुक्तालय, नोएडा

Office of the Principal Commissioner of CGST Noida has been shifted from Renu Tower, C-56/42, Sector-62, Noida to the New Building Located at Plot No. C-232A/2 to 232A/3, Sector-48, Noida. In this regard a trade notice no. 01/Tech/CGST-NOIDA/2023 dated 19.01.2023 has been issued
राष्ट्रीय व्यवहार में हिन्दी को काम में लाना देश की एकता और उन्नति के लिए आवश्यक है| —– महात्मा गाँधी
हिन्दी हमारे राष्ट्र की अभिव्यक्ति का सरलतम स्रोत है |—- सुमित्रानंदन पन्त
हिन्दी द्वारा सारे भारत को एक सूत्र में पिरोया जा सकता है —-स्वामी दयानंद
भारतीय भाषाए नदियाँ हें और हिन्दी महानदी |—– रविन्द्र नाथ ठाकुर

डिवीजन -1

S No. Location Name of the Division & Address Territorial jurisdiction
1 DIVISION-I NOIDA E-23 (B), Sector 8, Noida Comprising of Sector 1 to Sector 3, Sector 6 & Sector 7, Sector 14 to Sector 19, Sector 27 to 53, Sector 91 to 111, Sector 124 to 136, Noida and area not elsewhere specified under the jurisdiction of Noida GST Commissionerate. The Sectors also include sub sectors and Villages in the contiguous area. Villages not elsewhere specified shall fall in the area of the Range which has the largest contiguous area with that village.
Code Range Area Details Email
YC0101 RANGE-1 Areas falling under Sector 1 & Sector-2, Noida cgstr1noida@gmail.com
YC0102 RANGE-2 Areas falling under Sector-3, Noida cgstr2noida@gmail.com
YC0103 RANGE-3 Areas falling under Sector-6, Noida cgstrange3division1@gmail.com
YC0104 RANGE-4 Areas falling under Sector-7, Noida cgstrangefour@gmail.com
YC0105 RANGE-5 Areas falling under Sector 14 to Sector 19, Sector 27 to 53, Sector 91 to 111, Sector 124 to 136, Noida & Morna Village Noida and area not elsewhere specified under the jurisdiction of any range of Division I, Noida GST Commissionerate. cgstrange5noida@gmail.com
Administrative Structure
Asstt. Commissioner : Shri Nar Singh Bahadur
Contact No : 0120-2422127(Range 1)
Email-id : cgstdiv1-noida@gov.in
Address : E-23(B), Sector-1 Noida

Officers Posted are as under
Office Superintendent Inspector
Administrative office Shri Shakti Pratap Singh
RANGE-1 Shri Ajay Kumar Malik Shr Sandeep Sharma
RANGE-2 Shri Ajay Kumar Malik Shri Sumit Varshney
RANGE-3 Shri Arvind Kumar Katheria Shri Md. Azim Ahmad
RANGE-4 Shri Arvind Kumar Katheria Shri Dinesh Chand Meena
RANGE-5 Shri Arvind Kumar Katheria Shri Om Prakash
Shri Yatendra Kumar Meena
Tech. Branch Shri Shakti Pratap Singh Shri Uttam Kumar Maurya